Literary Excerpts about Kangen Water

"In an alkaline environment your tissues get rid of impurities more efficiently.” Kangen Water gives you the right water at your fingertips. Experience the life-changing benefits of alkaline, ionized water now

Your body thrives in an alkaline environment since it is able to detoxify more efficiently than in an acidic environment. In an alkaline environment your tissues get rid of impurities more efficiently. When cancer patients come into my office to begin nutritional treatment, their bodies are almost always very acidic and toxic. My first task is to get their tissues alkalinized with alkaline water and alkaline foods.

Alkalinity and acidity are measured in terms of pH. On the pH scale of 1 to 14, a pH of 7.0 is considered neutral. Anything under 7.0 is acidic; any thing over 7.0 is alkaline. Blood has a constant pH of 7.4—it’s alkaline. But most Americans’ tissues are very acidic, meaning their bodies are less efficient at removing toxins. Many health problems are associated with being too acidic. Many of my patients have been pain free within a couple of months after adjusting their urine pH to 7.0 to 7.5 simply by consuming adequate amounts of alkaline water and alkaline foods.

by Dr. Don Colbert, M.D. Siloam, A Strang Company, Publisher
Each type of visual aid has pros and cons that must be evaluated to ensure it will be beneficial to the overall presentation. Before incorporating visual aids into speeches, the speaker should understand that if used incorrectly, the visual will not be an aid, but a distraction.

Planning ahead is important when using visual aids. It is necessary to choose a visual aid that is appropriate for the material and audience. The purpose of the visual aid is to enhance the presentation. Each type of visual aid has pros and cons that must be evaluated to ensure it will be beneficial to the overall presentation. Before incorporating visual aids into speeches, the speaker should understand that if used incorrectly, the visual will not be an aid, but a distraction.

Planning ahead is important when using visual aids. It is necessary to choose a visual aid that is appropriate for the material and audience. The purpose of the visual aid is to enhance the presentation.
Kangen Water Keys to The Brain
Dr. Corinne Allen

We invite you to become a part of a revolutionary concept in learning. After 28 years of research Dr. Corinne Allen has developed an advanced, high tech, effective, and powerful learning program. This advanced learning concept is not like other programs for improving learning, academics, behaviors, social and emotional issues. This program does not involve rote memory or repeated therapies to achieve its outstanding results...
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